Smart Interface Design Patterns Checklists PDF

About The Author

Rachel Andrew is a web developer, writer and speaker. She is the author of a number of books, including The New CSS Layout. She is one of the people behind the … More about Rachel ↬

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Announcing a set of checklists to help you create smart interface design patterns. Totally free if you sign up for our friendly newsletter. These checklists are based on the work Vitaly has been doing for many years, exploring and examining examples of desktop and mobile interfaces. Learning what works and what doesn’t in usability tests and user interviews.

Sharing the things we have learned is at the heart of everything we do at Smashing. That goes for the team as well as our authors, and Vitaly has been working on a set of checklists to accompany his workshop, Smart Interface Design Patterns. The resulting PDF is 152 pages packed with useful information to help you create better interfaces. And, we’re offering it to you free of charge.

These checklists are based on the work Vitaly has been doing for many years, exploring and examining examples of desktop and mobile interfaces. Learning what works and what doesn’t in usability tests and user interviews.

The cover of the PDF deck on “Smart Interface Design Patterns”
The cover of the PDF deck on “Smart Interface Design Patterns”, curated by Vitaly Friedman. You can get the entire deck (150 pages) by subscribing to our lovely email newsletter.

In the PDF is a collection of over 150 questions to ask yourself when designing and building almost anything — accordions, drop-downs, carousels, timelines, tables, sliders, advanced configurators, maps, seating selection, and onboarding. They can act as a jumping-off point for discussion, as designers and developers sit together to plan a component, or work through a particular design problem.

A screenshot of the Hamburger Design Checklist with 13 questions to discuss when designing and building a good navigation
An example: Hamburger Design Checklist, with questions to discuss when designing and building a good navigation.

They can help to bring to mind all the fine details that go into interface design. How large should a hamburger icon be to avoid rage clicks? Should sections in an accordion collapse automatically when moving from one to another? Can users tap on the same spot to undo actions when zooming or filtering?

These aren’t golden rules, but rather starting points to help you consider all angles when working alone, or in a team. These checklists have been created after years of work on real projects with real users. Your projects can benefit from all of that existing knowledge, rather than needing to discover these issues for yourself or wait for your visitors to tell you about the problems they are having.

Three different design patterns without hamburger navigation on three mobile devices
The PDF deck features some examples of design patterns as well. A quick peek at some navigation design patterns without hamburger navigation. Large preview)

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After subscribing, you’ll get a link to the PDF via email. If you are already subscribed, look out for the link in the upcoming newsletter issue coming this Tuesday, March 31. And please, ask your friends and colleagues to subscribe rather than simply forwarding the link on.

There is a huge amount of work that has gone into this PDF. We hope you’ll find it useful in your work. Thank you for your trust, and we hope to release more useful tools for you soon!

Further Reading

Smashing Editorial (vf, il, mrn)