Meet SmashingConf Live: Our New Interactive Online Conference

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Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing, he’s most probably running front-end & UX … More about Vitaly ↬

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The cat is out of the bag! Meet SmashingConf Live (Aug 20–21), our very first online conference. For SmashingConf Live, our new online conference, we don’t want to replicate in-person experiences online. Instead, we’ve designed an entirely new conference experience, focusing around interactive live sessions and discussion zones where you actively shape what happens next, and learn along the way.

In these strange times when everything is connected, it’s too easy to feel lonely and detached. Yes, everybody is just one message away, but there is always something in the way — deadlines to meet, Slack messages to reply, or urgent PRs to review. Connections need time and space to grow, just like learning, and conferences are a great way to find that time and that space.

In fact, with SmashingConfs, we’ve always been trying to create such friendly and inclusive spaces. Places where like-minded folks could build lasting friendships, learn new skills and share their insights. These things often happen unexpectedly: when you run into an old friend, or spark a random conversation around a coffee machine. Well, in a physical world, that is.

Online is different. We often think that it’s a bad thing, but it doesn’t have to be. For SmashingConf Live, our new online conference, we don’t want to replicate in-person experiences online. Instead, we’ve designed an entirely new conference experience, focusing around interactive live sessions and discussion zones where you actively shape what happens next, and learn along the way. Jump to speakers & topics.

A Smashing Cat sitting comfortable in  a chair near a fireplace, with a cup of coffee, a dog nearby and a mouse in the back.

Conf + Workshop

$ 475.00

Conference ticket and an online workshop of your choice (extra 5 × 2.5h sessions).

Conf Only

$ 225.00

Two half-days, with interactive live sessions and discussions with experts. Only 100 early-birds.

What’s SmashingConf Live Like?

With SmashingConf Live (Aug 20–21), we aim to bring all the valuable bits and pieces of a conference to your fingertips. That means practical, hands-on sessions on front-end & UX, easy access to speakers and a friendly, approachable community.

We know that staying in front of the screen for a long time is difficult, so instead of two full days, we break the entire conference into two half days, with enough time for a short break, friendly chats, coffee refills and checking in with your family. Plus enough time to double-check the slides and video recordings at your own time and pace.

SmashingConf has always been a single-track experience, and SmashingConf Live is no exception. However, during the breaks you can jump between plenty of activities in discussion zones. You might meet old and new friends there, and we've also invited experts to run short sessions and answer your questions. So if you spot somebody familiar, that might not be a coincidence!

That’s just a start though. In interactive, live sessions you take the driver’s seat, shaping the direction of the sessions as they are happening. You bring up topics and challenges that you'd love to address, and we'll promote them on stage, so experts (and the entire community) can answer them either live or in the Q&A afterwards.

Not enough? You can also wander between rooms with mystery guests, drop by a front-end & UX job board, crack design & coding challenges, and ask for a live audit of your site or app. We provide live captioning in English as well. That’s SmashingConf Live.

Conf + Workshop

$ 475.00

Conference ticket and an online workshop of your choice (extra 5 × 2.5h sessions).

Conf Only

$ 225.00

Two half-days, with interactive live sessions and discussions with experts. Only 100 early-birds.

What Do You Get From It?

So what is SmashingConf Live in a nutshell?

  • A friendly online conference.
    Focused on practical insights in front-end & UX. Aug 20–21, two half-days, each 4.5h long. Check the timing.
  • A diverse, kind global community.
    We embrace our code of conduct.
  • Interactive, live sessions.
    You take a driver's seat and shape sessions with speakers, live.
  • Single-track with discussion zones (details).
    Attend mini-sessions with experts during breaks.
  • Easy access to experts.
    Ask your questions during the Q&A and in discussion zones.
  • All video recordings and slides.
    Rewatch a session if you missed it.
  • Collaborative note-taking (details).
    For everyone to put together notes in a single place.
  • Live site/app audits and challenges.
    Ask experts for a live audit of your project.
  • Online workshops before & after the event (details).
    Accessibility, performance, front-end and UX.
  • Live captioning.
    You can always turn on subtitles to follow along.
  • Get early-birds-tickets!
    Save $50 off the regular price. Only 100 tickets are available.

Approachable, Friendly Speakers

With every session, we want you to take away insights that you can apply to your work immediately. That’s why all sessions are designed to be highly practical — be it techniques to improve your workflow, craft a better front-end, or architecting a better design system.

We invite speakers who have stories to tell and insights to share — and can make you feel a part of the performance, too.

Speakers and topics are:

We're happy to welcome our truly smashing hosts Cassidy Williams and Phil Hawksworth to MC the conference. And you'll find dozens of other experts in discussion zones and Q&As, too.

All speakers are friendly and approachable, so please don’t hesitate to bring up topics or issues that are most relevant to you. Speakers will also be available in breakout rooms, so you can always ask questions before and after their sessions.

Discussion Zones With Experts

Apart from speakers, we’ve also invited well-respected experts to join the discussion zones with Q&A and short workshops. That’s your opportunity to ask pretty much anything, with speakers sharing their screen and answering your questions in detail.

In each discussion zone, we'll have changing topics and moderators for each day, exploring obscure techniques, strategies, tooling and whatever questions and challenges you bring up!

Discussion zone experts are:

Timings Around The World

  • CityTime
  • San Francisco, USA 🇺🇸8AM–2PM
  • New York, USA 🇺🇸11AM–4PM
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 🇧🇷12PM–5PM
  • London, UK 🇬🇧4PM–9PM
  • Antwerp, Belgium 🍫5PM–10PM
  • Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦6PM–11PM
  • Mumbai, India 🇮🇳8:30PM–1:30AM
  • Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺11PM–5AM

Collaborative Note-Taking

Many attendees take notes of the main takeaways from each session. Yet sometimes these notes miss important URLs or key details. With collaborative Google docs, attendees can take notes, thoughts, resources, tips and questions together, while also documenting answers or adding relevant details to the doc.

You might not be able to take all notes on time, but no worries: the community is here to support you, with a collaborative Google Doc.

It’s magical to see people correcting each other’s typos and helping in those docs, or sometimes even resolving discussion within a matter of minutes if somebody spotted an error or a wrong URL. As a result, by the end of the session, you’ll have a comprehensive report of all insights from the session that you can bring back to your team right away.

Chat And Connect In Slack

Building connections matters, and while a conference is often a great place to kindle conversations, they can easily fade away just a few days after the event. We’ll use a Slack channel for you to connect before, during and after the conference. So you can jump between rooms being sure that you stay in touch with your friends. Won’t be that easy to get lost after all!

Meet a truly global audience to get together and learn from each other. We invite all opinions, and happy to discuss them on stage as well.

Meet Tobi, Our Conference DJ

Of course the conference is all about learning and connecting, but a friendly and fun experience is a part of every SmashingConf, too. So you are likely to notice our conference DJ Tobi Baldower playing in the breaks. Tobi always pours his soul and heart into creating a truly memorable experience for everyone, so please drop by and say hello! ;-)

Our SmashingConf resident, DJ Tobi — truly smashing since... forever!

Find All The Cats!

Are you ready for a lil' riddle? We'll hide a few cats in different rooms at different times, so try your luck to spot all of them! Expect a scavenger hunt and a quiz trivia show!

Also, we’ll be working on challenges and group projects together. If that’s not a great chance to meet attendees, learn along the way and win some prizes, what is?

Let's see if you can find all the cats, shall we?

Community Matters ❤️

With SmashingConf Live, we aim for a warm, authentic family atmosphere. We are very, very excited, ad we want to take on this journey with you, and see what a truly smashing conference experience could be like!

We'd be happy to stumble upon you when mingling between or during the sessions! And perhaps meet old and new friends from all over the world in one place — that's something not every in-person conference can achieve. We're still working on the final bits and pieces, and we'll have some exciting updates coming your way soon ;-)

Stay smashing, meow and thank you for your ongoing support, everyone!

Meet SmashingConf Live (Aug 20–21), a friendly online conference right at your fingertips.

Conf + Workshop

$ 475.00

Conference ticket and an online workshop of your choice (extra 5 × 2.5h sessions).

Conf Only

$ 225.00

Two half-days, with interactive live sessions and discussions with experts. Only 100 early-birds.

Further Reading

Smashing Editorial (il, mrn)