If you are the sort of person who doesn’t like reading about things if you can’t use them now, then this article probably isn’t for you — we have many others for you to enjoy instead! However, if you like to know what is on the way and read more about the things you can play with in a beta version of a browser, read on! Today, Rachel Andrew takes a look at some of the interesting CSS features that are making their way into browsers right now.
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Gatsby is a modern static-site generator that has revamped the way static websites are being built. It incorporates React, Node.js, and GraphQL to create stunning and blazing-fast websites. In this post, Aleem Isiaka will introduce Gatsby plugins, discuss the types of Gatsby plugins that exist, differentiate between the forms of Gatsby plugins, and, finally, create a comment plugin that can be used on any Gatsby website, one of which you will install by the end of the tutorial.
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From June 30th to July 2nd, Google’s web platform team brought together the web community for web.dev LIVE, a digital event to talk about the latest development to the platform and tools ecosystem, give developers a chance to talk to each other and ask their burning questions to the team. Over the three days, the Google team shared a round of updates and news in the spirit of helpfulness and to give web developers all the tools and guidance they need to keep their sites stable, powerful and accessible in these challenging times.
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Testing gives confidence in written code. In the context of this article, ‘testing’ means ‘automated testing’. Without automated testing, it is significantly harder to ensure the quality of a web application of significant complexity. Fails caused by automated testing may lead to more bugs in production. In this article, Chidi Orji is going to show you how React developers can quickly start testing their app with the React Testing Library (RTL).
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Statically generated sites or pre-rendering and server-side rendered applications are two modern ways to build front-end applications using JavaScript frameworks. These two modes, yet different, are often mixed up as the same thing and in this tutorial, Timi Omoyeni is going to show you the differences between them. You’ll learn what a server-side-rendered application is, as well as learn about frameworks for creating one, such as Next.js and Nuxt.js.
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Information architecture is the process of categorizing and organizing information to create structure and meaning. To give this context, in this article Carrie Webster explores not only the basics of information architecture, but also the broader view of the information age, how we use information and how it impacts our world and our lives. Understanding the bigger picture enables us to get a much clearer perception of the value that good information architecture delivers to help our information-overloaded lives.
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What could be a better way to welcome July than with some colorful inspiration? Well, we might have something for you: wallpapers created with love by artists and designers from across the globe.
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We’re talking about CUBE CSS. What is it, and how does it differ from approaches such as BEM, SMACSS, and OOCSS? Drew McLellan talks to its creator, Andy Bell, to find out.
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In this tutorial, Chidi Orji will show you how to work with Firebase push notifications in the backend and frontend. We’ll set up the notifications system with an Express back-end server. Afterwards, you’ll listen for the notifications in a React front-end app. You will implement the backend first, then move on to the frontend. In that way, you can use whichever section appeals more to you. So let’s get started.
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In the tenth issue of Inspired Design Decisions, Andy Clarke will explain how Giovanni Pintori — the Italian graphic designer best known for his work with Olivetti — can inspire design for the web with his distinctive use of color and shape. Andy will teach you how to use color to attract attention and then to lead someone’s eye around a design. He’ll discuss how a minimal color palette can act as a guide, helping people through a design, and how lines and shapes add structure and style.
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