Gutenberg was introduced to the world by Matt Mullenweg at WordCamp Europe in 2017. In essence, Gutenberg is a new WordPress editor, with dozens of cutting-edge features. It simplifies website creation and editing for the average non-technical user. Today, Manish Dudharejia brings you an in-depth analysis of the new Gutenberg Editor and its impact on the WordPress web development. You’ll learn a few hands-on tricks that will prove useful especially if you are using Gutenberg for the first time.
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For the entire history of CSS Layout, being able to properly align things on both axes seemed like it might truly be the hardest problem in web design. The alignment properties that you might think of as the flexbox alignment properties are now fully defined in the Box Alignment Specification. If you have ever been confused about when to align and when to justify, this article will make things clearer! Today, Rachel Andrew will take a look at the alignment properties in Flexbox while discovering some basic rules to help remember how alignment on both the main and cross axis works.
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Today, Vitaly Friedman brings you the following pairing of talks from 2018 SmashingConfs, which will help you to assess the third party scripts you might be considering adding to a site. Taking into account business goals, user experience and performance you can make good decisions about what to include and how to do it.
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Do you know what a froto is? Do you know how you can get users to evaluate your product? Due to their technical skills, creativity and deep understanding of user needs, UXers are in a perfect position to apply marketing, SEO and growth-hacking tools and processes to their work.For focused UX efforts, it’s all about knowing user outcomes at each stage of their journey. In this first part of an upcoming series, Joe Leech will help you in understanding and mapping the problems users have and which solutions they need.
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Today is a very important day for us. We’re incredibly honored to have crossed our first milestone of 1,000 Smashing members today. In fact, with Membership, sometimes it feels like walking around a small town in which everyone knows each other and their friends, and so we know many members by name, and we’ve also met some of them at Smashing Conferences. In this post Vitaly Friedman highlights some of the members, how much money we’ve earned and how we spent it, and a bit of a feel about what Membership is like.
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In this article, the beginning of a series on Flexbox, Rachel Andrew will take a detailed look at what actually happens when you add display: flex to your stylesheet. She will take the initial values of Flexbox, in order to explain what actually happens when you say display: flex. It’s a surprising amount once you begin to unpack it, and contained within these few properties are many of the key features of flex layouts.
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How can we design in a way to help visitors rather than frustrate them? How do we know that a great user experience is really working well? In this pairing of videos from 2018 SmashingConfs, we think about UX — from two very different angles.
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August is here, so why not celebrate with a fresh wallpaper? In this post, Cosima Mielke features desktop wallpapers designed by artists and designers from across the globe. We give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. With and without a calendar for August 2018 and available for free download. All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper.
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The tips presented in this article aim to help HTML5 game developers in avoiding common mistakes when converting their Flash games to JS and making the process run as smooth as possible. Today, Tomasz Grajewski will focus mainly on Phaser v2. However, a newer version of Phaser is now available, and we encourage you to check it out, as it introduced a plethora of fresh, cool features, such as multiple cameras, scenes, tilemaps, or Matter.js physics engine.
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The Beacon API is a lightweight and efficient way to log information from a web page back to a server. It is used for sending small amounts of data to a server without waiting for a response. Think of it like a postcard sent home when on vacation. You put a small amount of data on it, put it in the mailbox, and you don’t expect a response. In this article, Drew McLellan will help you find out how that can be used and what makes it so different from traditional Ajax techniques.
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