Considering that most carousel implementations lack many usability details, one can understand why strong wording is often used in discussions about carousels. But there are alternatives to a home page carousel that both perform well and are vastly easier to implement. In this article, Christian Holst will go over the 10 implementation details he’s found that are required to make home page carousels perform acceptably with end users. He’ll outline how and why mobile and desktop implementations should differ and, lastly, suggest a simpler, problem-free alternative to home page carousels.
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Many of your great ideas will fail early in the process. Finding out that the problem you’re trying to solve is simply not a problem that users are really bothered by is incredibly common. But with perseverance and iteration, you’ll eventually come up with a product idea that validates. The goal throughout the process of lean validation is to delay the expensive and time-consuming work of coding as late as possible in the process. It’s the best way to keep yourself focused, to minimize costs and to maximize your chance of a successful launch.
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Transitions between pages can enhance the experience by retaining the user’s context, maintaining their attention, and providing visual continuity and positive feedback, while also being aesthetically pleasing and fun and can reinforce branding when done well. In this article, Luigi De Rosa will create, step by step, a transition between pages. He will also talk about the pros and cons of this technique and how to push it to its limit.
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In this article, Anna Selezniova will share her experience using CSS 3D effects for the first time in a real project and hopefully inspire you to take on challenges. Anna has gained useful experience in working with CSS 3D and she has discovered many interesting properties. More importantly, she has learned that one should never give up; most likely you will find a way to accomplish the task.
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What’s going on in the industry? What new techniques have emerged recently? What insights, tools, tips and tricks is the web design community talking about? Anselm Hannemann is collecting everything that popped up over the last week in his web development reading list so that you don’t miss out on anything. The result is a carefully curated list of articles and resources that are worth taking a closer look at.
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This monthly creativity mission has been going on for eight years now, and each month the enthusiastic work of the community brings forth interesting, beautiful, and unique results. Wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. This post features designs for July 2016, and can be downloaded for free. A big thank-you to everyone who contributed their ideas! Now could there be a better occasion to freshen up your desktop?
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Support is a crucial element that determines not only the success of the project, but also how happy everyone will be, me included. Thomas Maier constantly optimized his approach to providing support. In this article, he will share with you what he learned. When you welcome people to the community with a helpful and positive reply, you not only help them fix their issue, but strengthen the community as a whole. After all, the foundation of WordPress is communication.
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“What tool should I use?” has become one of the most frequent questions in online forums, design meetups and blogs. It’s turned into quite a passionate debate — and designers tend to quickly argue for a certain tool or application. In this article, Fabricio Teixeira will explore five steps to decide on the right prototyping tool for your project. The objective is to guide designers who are making that decision for the first time or who are faced with a project with unique requirements and constraints.
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Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It’s an application data-flow architecture, rather than a traditional library or a framework like Underscore.js and AngularJS. It is used mostly for application state management. To summarize it, Redux maintains the state of an entire application in a single immutable state tree (object), which can’t be changed directly. When something changes, a new object is created (using actions and reducers). Today, Alex Bachuk will go over the core concepts in detail.
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When talking to potential clients, be aware that many will have never solicited a professional design service and likely have little understanding of the design process itself, or they have had a poor experience in the past. For many clients, it can be an anxious jump into the deep unknown, a big financial investment steeped in risk. Our knowledge and experience shouldn’t be seen as a free commodity. However, at times, a little patience and empathy are required on our part. Many designers will agree that clients, for the most part, need us to guide them through the design process, to ask the difficult questions and ultimately to reassure them by delivering measurable results.
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