Creating a new cross-platform native and web applications seamlessly on an entire back end for your mobile applications that is feature-complete in data synchronization, push-notification support, user management and file-handling before you even started building the mobile experience is exactly what providers of mobile back end as a service (MBaaS) are aiming to give app developers. It is up to you to determine whether that is true for the experiences you are creating.
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Visual direction is the perceived direction of forces acting on and exerted by elements. A visually heavy element will attract the eye to it. The direction is a cue to the viewer’s eye to move elsewhere. We refer to this force as visual weight and to the perceived direction of visual forces as visual direction. Both are important concepts to understand if you want to create hierarchy, flow, rhythm and balance in your composition. Many intrinsic characteristics can be modified to make an element visually weightier or lighter.
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In this tutorial, Collins Agbonghama will talk about ROT13 encryption and how it works. You’ll see how text can be programmatically encoded in ROT13 using PHP. Finally, you’ll code a WordPress plugin that scans a post for blacklisted words and replaces any in ROT13 encryption. Even if you don’t end up using the plugin, the concepts you’ll learn in creating it can be applied to many situations, such as obfuscating or encrypting inappropriate words (such as profanities) in ROT13, which would be a nice feature in a forum where people have the freedom to post anything.
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The World Wide Web is not static. Quite the opposite: It’s responsive, fluid, evolving and ever changing.
Web designers need to be familiar with HTML and CSS code and front-end technologies when they conceive a website or application’s interface. In Creative Suite version 6, a CSS Properties panel was added to its toolset — a tool that, if used properly, could help both designers with CSS coding experience and beginners alike. By the end of this article, you should have a better overview of this feature and also know how to use it with CSS Professionalzr, a free extension developed by Matt Stow to further optimize the code generated by the panel.
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Ruth John has met some resistance when talking about this API. People either can’t see a need for it with the web, or they would feel uncomfortable talking to their device — both valid views. However, he hopes he will inspire you to at least give it a go and think about it the next time you are building something. Start welcoming speech: It might be just what you’re listening for.
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If you are hesitant about choosing the perfect template for your website, then maybe it is high time to stop browsing and order one for yourself. To simplify this process, you should employ a professional RFP template for software development. One of the best things you can do when choosing a theme is to learn about the person or company who made it. If they have a reputation to live up to, then their themes will undoubtedly be of a higher quality than developers who don’t. With the recommendations in this post, you will be better informed to avoid the really bad themes and to choose one that is fast, well coded and SEO-friendly and that includes all of the features you need.
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Translation isn’t everything. Of course, for the user it’s all about the content: Is the content relevant and understandable and in line with the user’s cultural context? If you’ve decided to localize your website, then you are thinking seriously about expanding into other markets. This is great for a business of any size. Still, keep in mind that localization is not as simple as straight translation. There are many parts of the equation to consider. If you forget one part, the rest won’t add up.
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In this article, Matt Reamer will introduce you to the human-centered design process. He’ll tell a personal story in which he built a challenged family member a device to help them communicate more efficient and effortlessly and he’ll share lessons he learned from the failures and successes along the way. He hopes that this will inspire or at least get you thinking about how you can push your skills to help the people around you, as well as shed some light on some basic principles of user experience design that are too often overlooked.
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As designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration. As a matter of fact, we’ve discovered the best one—desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd. This post features free desktop wallpapers created by artists across the globe for December 2014. Both versions with a calendar and without a calendar can be downloaded for free. It’s time to freshen up your wallpaper! This creativity mission has been going on for almost seven years now, and we are very thankful to all designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing each month.
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Developing a polyfill is not the easiest challenge. On the other hand, the solution can be used for a relatively long time: standards do not change often and have been discussed at length behind the scenes. Also everyone is using the same language and is connecting with the same APIs which is a great thing. This is quite a technical article, and while Maksim Chemerisuk will try to minimize the code snippets, this article still contains quite a few of them. So, be prepared!
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