Jon Bernbach is a user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designer of mobile and web applications. In a way, like a teacher, he needs to present information in an easily understandable way to new visitors. He needs to consider how his students (end users) consume the information that he provides. So, reflection on his high-school experience serves a purpose (aside from painful fashion memories).
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Using the data from over 22 billion email subscribers, we determined what designers should prioritize when creating an email newsletter, both this year and beyond. Which email clients and platforms should we be supporting now? Should we learn all of the email workarounds or just use existing builders and frameworks? In this article, Ros Hodgekiss will interpret the numbers from her “Email Marketing Trends” report to help designers like you make informed decisions about what works and what doesn’t in email newsletters.
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The vast majority of practices from the world of manufacturing have come to influence how things are done when designing and building software products as well. Lean thinking is one of the latest approaches software development companies have adopted to maximize value and reduce wasted effort and resources by breaking down an objective into a series of experiments. Approaches like design thinking tend to be lean by nature. There is a huge opportunity, however, to take this notion even further and align design to the new ways digital products are being built and improved on. Let’s look first at the current approach towards design and how it has an impact on the product.
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In this article, Mattan Griffel will share best practices that he has discovered from using spaced repetition to learn and master a programming language. Some great articles on this topic are already out there, including “Memorizing a Programming Language Using Spaced Repetition Software” by Derek Sivers and “Janki Method” by Jack Kinsella. But because you’re busy, he’ll quickly summarize some of the best practices that I’ve learned along the way.
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On-site search is a key component of almost any e-commerce website. But unfortunately, search often doesn’t work very well. That’s why Baymard Institute has invested months conducting a large-scale usability study, testing the e-commerce search experience of 19 major e-commerce websites with real-world end users. In this article, Christian Holst will provide you insight on how to improve the search experience and success rate on your e-commerce website. He’ll round the article off with a general analysis of the current state of e-commerce search.
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Nothing compares to a good conference: the atmosphere of being immersed in a crowd of people who share the same passion as you, the lessons you learn and advice you take in, and the friends you get to meet and the new ones you make. You leave a good conference bursting with fresh ideas. That’s what Zach Inglis wanted to create with HybridConf. Since starting it he has been fortunate enough to receive invaluable pieces of advice from other conference organizers, so Zach wanted to pay it forward with this article and help more of you succeed, too.
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Why should you care about who’s using a mobile device and who’s not? Because people often behave differently when browsing on a phone versus a desktop. Costs can vary widely by device and visits from mobile might provide more or less value to a particular advertiser. Also, you might want to drive mobile users to different pages than desktop users. So, how do you build a campaign that targets only mobile devices via AdWords? The short answer is you can’t. However, a number of workarounds are available. First, let’s look at a couple of AdWords features that focus spending on mobile: bid modifiers and mobile-preferred ads.
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There are myriad ways to integrate user-centered thinking into the creative process of UX design, and personas are one of the most effective ways to empathize with and analyze users. This final part of the series will explain an effective method of creating a persona. There is no one right way to develop one, but the method Shlomo Goltz will share here is based on processes developed, field-tested and refined over the years at the interaction design agency Cooper. This process follows a logical order that begins with knowing nothing about users and ends with a refined perspective of users that can be shared with others.
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If the 404 doesn’t help your visitors, then what’s the point of having carefully crafted memes, funny GIFs, or odd interactive games? A visitor could find themselves on a 404 page for one of many reasons: a mistyped address, a bad link from somewhere else, a deleted page or content that has moved elsewhere. While you can prevent errors from moved pages with redirects, you can’t control people’s mistakes. In this article, Donovan Hutchinson will show you how to have a better 404 page.
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Displaying onboarding screens to first-time users has become a common practice in mobile apps. Given that these are often the first set of screens with which users interact, they also set the users’ expectations of the app. Therefore, it is essential that those involved in creating the product take the time to evaluate whether onboarding is necessary for the app and, if so, to determine the best way to implement it. In this article, Germaine Satia will provide some good tips on how to approach onboarding, some common implementations, alternative techniques, as well as resources to help you provide the best experience for users.
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