Large organizations may still want to adopt server-side device detection in some form to deliver a great UX to everyone who accesses their websites. While RWD and PE strategies can be adopted by companies, a hybrid client- and server-side approach is the most likely to deliver a great service to desktop, tablet and mobile users alike.
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We have conceptualized different uses of multiple screens to tell stories. All of us, from every corner of the globe, have intensely rich cultures filled with stories and fables. Using them to create interactive narratives is another way to explore the power of the Web, to wow people, and to record our cultural history.
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The element supports a number of different types of fallback content, but the current implementation of these fallbacks is problematic. In this article Dave Newton will explore how the fallbacks work, how they fail and what can be done about it.
Part of WordPress’ success is that the community consists not only of developers, but of designers, user experience experts, support volunteers, writers, users, accessibility experts and enthusiasts. This diverse input strengthens the project. In this article, Siobhan McKeown will talk about the different contributor groups and how you can take part. But first, why should you get involved with WordPress?
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Popular apps that become available on Android experience huge growth. Every three weeks, the number of people who activate new Android devices is equal to the entire population of Australia. Instagram grew by 10 million users with the launch of its Android app. Despite this unprecedented expansion of the platform, the majority of Android apps are not great. The reason for this is that Android has been going through puberty in the past few years. It was disorganized and many designers avoided it and naturally gravitated towards iOS.
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Half a year ago, we introduced our eBook subscription model, also known as the Smashing Library. We didn’t want to limit the library to just our own content, so we are now including a growing number of industry-related eBooks. These books are by authors who aren’t necessarily affiliated with Smashing Magazine but who produce great content.
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The ideas in this article can be applied to the design phase of any new project. ideas about design consultancy. About wrangling that client who uses empty sentences like, “We want a snappy, simple experience,” or, “It should be on brand and should really pop.” How To Help A Real-Life Knight Achieve His Goals.
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The Web has always been a weird, borderless, flexible medium. In the last couple of years, we’ve started to realize that designing for this medium is fundamentally different from the design work we’ve done previously. People keep saying that the Web has changed. But has it really? Let’s take a look at all of the things that have actually changed.
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Welcome to another interview in the series called “How I Work.” These interviews revolve around how leading thinkers and creators in the Web world design, code and create.
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Infinite scroll promised to provide users with a better experience. However, the good is often accompanied by the bad and the ugly. Once we understand the strengths and weaknesses of infinite scrolling, we can begin to use it to empower our interfaces.
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