With a solid foundation, the house is stable, and building on it is easy. With a solid grid, your design can easily be adapted to accommodate whatever changes come along. Today, we’ll share iOS Grid System, which I’ve been using when designing apps in Adobe Fireworks.
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A lightbox is one of those tools that work great on the desktop but often fail on small mobile devices. These days, finding a plugin that is responsive and that displays content right away is hard. For this reason, I created Magnific Popup, an open-source lightbox plugin focused on performance.
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As designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration. As a matter of fact, we’ve discovered the best one—desktop wallpapers that are a little more distinctive than the usual crowd.
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Content knowledge isn’t just about ditching lorem ipsum in a couple of comps. When you take the time to understand the content that already exists, not only will you be able to ensure that it’s supported in the new design, but you’ll actually make the entire design stronger because you’ll have realistic scenarios to design with and for. Today, we’re going to make existing content work for you, not against you.
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International projects usually require quite extensive knowledge of less familiar writing systems from around the world. The aesthetics and structure of such designs can be strongly related to the shape and legibility of the letterforms. In this article, Iris Lješnjanin will explore the art and craft of Arabic typography with Dr. Nadine Chahine, who lives in Bad Homburg, Germany. She is an Arabic Specialist at Monotype GmbH and is an award-winning type designer who has created typefaces that are being sold worldwide.
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This article is packed with a number of quirks and issues you should be aware of when working with CSS3 transitions. Please note that I’m not showing any workarounds or giving advice on how to circumvent the issues discussed.
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How can we maintain hierarchy as elements on the screen are resized and reflowed? Trent Walton first called attention to the issue with his post “Content Choreography,” which showed how visual hierarchy gets lost when columns are dropped below one another. You need to think about how you’ll want to rearrange blocks of content as your design moves from single to multiple columns.
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As a teenager aspiring to be a Web designer, chances are you were given Adobe Photoshop as your vehicle for designing the Web. No matter which version you had, undoubtedly you know someone who can “trump” you by having adopted an earlier version. We designers take much pride in this, in case you hadn’t noticed. Let’s face it: Photoshop is the software we’re identified with, and its place in Web design history is substantial.
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Today we have instant access to a huge variety of podcasts that keep us entertained while providing useful information that we can integrate into our daily routine. But keeping track of the ever-changing selection and finding quality podcasts that feature exactly the topics we are interested in can be painful. So Melanie Lang has put together an extensive list that includes your soon-to-be favorite podcast!
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The debate between strongly and dynamically typed languages rages on. But understanding the issue starts with weak typing and languages such as C. The pendulum will swing back and forth many times in the coming years. The only solution is flexibility. Learn to work in each environment and you’ll work well with any team.
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