The purists out there may be throwing their hands up in horror — a WYSIWYG interface! Letting users alter themes themselves! Well, yes, there is a risk on that. But the Customizer means that if you’re developing custom themes for client websites, you have a whole new set of tools to play with. The theme customizer allows users to tweak theme settings using a WYSIWYG interface and customise a theme so it includes pretty much anything they want.
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Everyone likes stuff that moves about on the Web, right? Remember how you cried joyful tears when you first used <marquee>? I do. I nearly sobbed all the water out of my body as I gazed upon “JAKE’S COOL WEBSITE” bobbing back and forth in uppercase serif. Of course, we’re more mature as an industry these days.
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In this article, Vasilis van Gemert will show you several tactics for deciding where to put breakpoints in a responsive design. There is the rusty idea that they should be based on common screen sizes, but there are no “common” screen sizes. You’ll be able to use the theory in this article to better design your content for all different screen sizes.
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Probably the most famous interface in sci-fi is gestural — the precog scrubber interface in Minority Report. This is one of the most memorable things in a movie that is crowded with future technologies, and it is one of the most referenced interfaces in cinematic history. By using it, detective John Anderton rushes to the scene of a future crime to prevent it and arrest the would-be perpetrator.
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The word on the street is that the Web Is 95% Typography, so as we hurtle towards the future, we think there’s still a lot we can learn from five centuries of history. Typeplate, a free-range and open-source typographic starter kit, is the result of this exploration of our typographic heritage.
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Totally taming form elements is impossible due to the lack of detail in the CSS specification and because of the default styles applied by Web browsers. However, Gabriele Romanato shows us that, by following some common practices, reducing (though not eliminating) the differences and achieving good visual results is possible.
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Layout, for both print and screen, is one of the most important aspects of graphic design. Designs that extend across multiple pages or screens, whether containing large or small amounts of type, must be carefully controlled in a way that is enticing and is easy for all to access.
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We need to embrace a device-agnostic approach to communicating with connected consumers and forget the idea of a “mobile Internet”. Advances by Google and Apple have heightened consumer expectations, which now require stricter focus from us to create seamless online communications. There is only One Web to experience.
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Angry Birds are, quite literally, everywhere: toys, snacks, cartoons, plush toys and that wildly addictive game that seemingly everyone has downloaded at some point.
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In this article, Maxim Shirshin will introduce us to the history of the BEM methodology. BEM is a collection of ideas and methods. Companies and teams can integrate it into their existing workflow gradually, finding out what works best for them, using a unified language that consists of powerful terms: blocks, elements, modifiers. Learn about the challenges that a big company faces when gradually building an entire ecosystem of services with an ever-growing team of developers.
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