Sarah Drasner is an award-winning Speaker, Head of Developer Experience at Netlify, Vue core team member, and Staff Writer at CSS-Tricks. Sarah is formerly Principal Lead of Emerging Markets, Cloud Advocates at Microsoft and Manager of UX & Engineering at Trulia/Zillow Group. She’s the author of SVG Animations from O’Reilly and has given Frontend Masters workshops.
Geoff Graham is a web designer and developer from Long Beach, Calif. He’s been at this since 2004, back before Google bought YouTube, the iPhone was released, and when websites were still designed in tables and other hacky things. Geoff got his professional start in copywriting but fell in love with design and code the moment he wrote his first line of HTML and styled it with CSS. Since then, Geoff has developed an aesthetic centered around minimalism and thoughtful user interactions, working for a number of companies and organizations, from snazzy Fortune 500s to amazing non-profits. Geoff Graham runs on coffee and irrational optimism.