Good performance is critical to delivering a good user experience, and iOS users often have high expectations of their apps. A slow and unresponsive app might make users give up on using your app or, worse, leave a bad rating. In this article, Axel Kee is going to look into five optimization tricks that will make your app feel more responsive.
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API-based solutions are becoming a critical building block of modern digital products. What are they? How can they impact your design process? Finally, how to evaluate them without bothering your software team? The growing amount of data and the need for speed in building products pushed APIs to become the lingua franca of digital teams. To design systems based on API-first systems, make sure you understand the vendors’ offerings. Today, Michał Sędzielewski brings you this hands-on testing guide which is a good starting point in doing so. It will help you explore the API capabilities even before you throw it to your teaching team, saving their energy — and yours as well.
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The scope of possibilities to apply Google Cloud Vision service is practically endless. With Python Library available, it can certainly help you bring out deeper interest in Machine Learning technologies. Google Vision API turned out to be a great tool to get a text from a photo. In this article, Bartosz Biskupski will guide you through the development process with Python in a sample project. If you’re a novice, don’t worry. You will only need a very basic knowledge of this programming language — with no other skills required. Let’s get started!
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A search bar isn’t some throwaway design element. When your app promises a speedy and convenient experience to its users, a search bar can cut down on the time they have to spend inside it. So, as you work on creating better experiences for your mobile app users, spend some time thinking about the design of your app’s search bar. Things like placement, hint text, and the way search results are displayed contribute to how users engage with search as well as your app as a whole.
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The mobile web has definitely improved from where it was just a couple years ago. When it comes to the mobile user experience, are mobile websites all that bad? You hear so much about the benefits of building a dedicated native app, but that can become an incredibly costly gamble if users don’t take to it. That said, is the progressive web app the best choice? And will it eventually replace the mobile web and native apps? In this article, Suzanne Scacca explores this idea.
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A sighted user puts himself in the shoes of a non-sighted user. In this series, Chris Ashton attempts to use the web under various constraints, representing a given demographic of user. I hope to raise the profile of difficulties faced by real people, which are avoidable if we design and develop in a way that is sympathetic to their needs. Today, Chris experiences first-hand difficulties that visually impaired users face and describes what we can do as web developers to help.
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Building real-time applications is hard. However, GraphQL is rapidly upending this status-quo. In three simple steps you can quickly wire-up a fully-functional real-time app, without getting mired in unnecessary details such as setting up a websocket connection. That right there is the power of community tooling backing an abstraction like GraphQL. In this article, Sandip Devarkonda will explore what GraphQL is, and then take it for a spin by building a poll app in which users can vote and on-screen aggregated results are updated in real time.
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Throughout this tutorial, Ahmed Bouchefra introduces Angular Router and how you can use it to create client-side apps and Single Page Apps with routing and navigation. You will see how to use the Angular Router to add routing and navigation into our application. Also Ahmed will take a look at different concepts like the Router outlet, routes, and paths and we created a demo to practically show the different concepts. You can access the code from this repository.
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Progressive web applications (PWAs) are more of a methodology that involves a combination of technologies to make powerful web applications. In this article, Ankita Masand will look at the pain points of users who are browsing old non-PWA websites and the promise of PWAs to make the web great. You’ll learn most of the important technologies that make for cool PWAs, like service workers, web push notifications and IndexedDB.
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Ever since Pokémon Go brought augmented reality into consumers’ line of sight, marketers and developers have been looking for a way to hone AR’s power for their own purposes. If there ever was a time to jump on this game-changing bandwagon, it’s now. AR provides spatial and facial mapping technologies that will not only delight your users, but will improve the overall experience of interacting with your app’s brand. In this post Suzanne Scacca will provide you with examples of what’s being done in the AR space now and hopefully inspire your own efforts to bring this game-changing tech to your mobile app in the near future.
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