In a React component, useState and useReducer can cause your component to re-render each time there is a call to the update functions. In this article, you will find out how to use the useRef() hook to keep track of variables without causing re-renders, and how to enforce the re-rendering of React Components.
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Working with native HTML Form Controls has been such a pain point for web developers, from styling to extending them, the limitations are so great that countless dev hours have been spent recreating them. But why are form controls so difficult to work with?
In this article, Stephanie dives into the past by going back to the beginning of HTML and tracing the evolution of form controls through to the present and the current state of working with them. She shares her thoughts and takes a glimpse at what the future holds for working with these essential pieces of the web.
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The use of serverless applications by developers to handle the business logic of their applications in on the high increase, but how does the Google Cloud — a major service provider within the public cloud — allow developers to manage serverless applications? In this article, you will learn what serverless applications are, how they are used on the Google Cloud, and also scenarios in which they can be used in a front-end application.
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An introduction to the utilization of Generics in TypeScript with examples grounded in real-world use cases, such as collections, approaches to error handling, the Repository Pattern, and so on. With this article, Jamie Corkhill hopes to provide an intuitive understanding of the notion of software abstraction through Generics.
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Writing is a crucial skill every software developer should cultivate. And writing on your own technical blog can have immense benefits to your career as a software developer and help you cultivate your skills and expertise. Creating and hosting a technical blog provides an opportunity to do just that. In this article, Zara Cooper will take a look at how to deploy a blog for free and with minimal effort using Hugo and Firebase.
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Skipping servers and using the JAMstack to build and deliver websites and apps can save time, money, and headache by allowing us to deliver only static assets on a CDN. But the trade-off of ditching traditional server-based deployments means that standard approaches to dynamic, asynchronous interactions in our sites and apps aren’t available anymore.
Does that mean that JAMstack sites can’t handle dynamic interactions? Definitely not!
JAMstack sites are great for creating highly dynamic, asynchronous interactions. With some small adjustments to how we think about our code, we can create fun, immersive interactions using only static assets!
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Arguably the worst way to teach the fundamentals of programming, is to describe what something is, without mention of how or when to use it. In this article, Ryan M. Kay discusses three core concepts in OOP in the least ambiguous terms so that you may never again wonder when to use inheritance, interfaces, or abstract classes. Code examples provided are in Java with some references to Android, but only basic knowledge of Java is required to follow along.
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Gutenberg is reinventing the experience of creating content in WordPress, granting it new powers to create, edit and manage our content. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will shine some light on these upgraded capabilities, exploring the new tools at our disposition and presenting several new ones to be released sometime in the future.
Let’s see what these new powers are!
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As the language evolved, new artifacts appeared in the scene to allow asynchronous execution; developers tried different approaches while solving more complicated algorithms and data flows. In this article, Jeremias Menichelli is going to explore the evolution of JavaScript around asynchronous execution in the past era and how it changed the way we write and read code. He will start with the beginnings of web development, and go all the way to modern asynchronous pattern examples.
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Even though Gutenberg is currently at its best ever, many people still do not welcome it into their projects, due to the frustrating experience suffered when it was launched with WordPress 5.0. This is unfortunate, because, as a product, Gutenberg is outstanding. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will do a postmortem of what went wrong with the launch of Gutenberg, as to allow ourselves to embrace Gutenberg as the product.
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