Nx is a build framework that facilitates optimization, efficient scaling of applications, and other features such as shared libraries and components. In this article, Melvin Kosisochukwu will be looking at how you can effectively scale Next.js applications by using Nx. If you’re a developer looking to optimize applications and create reuseable components across applications, this article is for you!
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React with JSX is a fantastic tool for making easy-to-use components. Typescript components make it an absolute pleasure for developers to integrate your components into their apps and explore your APIs. Learn about three lesser-known React APIs that can take your components to the next level, and help you build even better React Components in this article.
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When paired with ISR and Next.js’ API routes, SWR can be used to create a responsive user experience. In this article, Sam Poder explains what SWR is, where to use it (and where not), and how to build a website by using Incremental Static Regeneration. This approach ensures that users still have a good experience, that the site is fast and that the data is kept up to date.
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A compound component is one of the advanced patterns of React which makes use of an interesting way to communicate the relationship between UI components and share implicit state by leveraging an explicit parent-child relationship. In this article, Ichoku Chinoso will show you one of the advanced patterns of React which is the compound component pattern. It’s an awesome method to build reusable components in React by using the compound component pattern to build your component offers you a lot of flexibility in your component.
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Often you need two different sets of navigation stacks for pre and post user authentication. Usually, to see more content, you have to be authenticated in some way. In many Apps, authentication is one of the most important parts because it confirms that the person trying to gain access to protected content has the right to access the information. Learning how to do it right is an important step in building a great, intuitive, and easy to use/navigate the application. Let’s look at how to mount and unmount navigation stack based on a met condition in React Native.
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In this article, we’ll discuss and learn about the use case of iterating over React children and the ways to do it. In particular, we will deep dive into one of the utility methods, React.Children.toArray, that React gives us, which helps to iterate over the children in a way which ensures performance and determinism.
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Next.js has strong opinions about how to organize JavaScript but not CSS. How can we develop patterns that encourage best CSS practices while also following the framework’s logic? The answer is surprisingly simple — to write well-structured CSS that balances global and local styling concerns. In this article, Alexander Dubovoy will build a website (a tea shop!) to demonstrate these patterns.
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Gatsby recently announced the launch of “functions”. In this article, Paul Scanlon explains how to get the current location of the International Space Station (ISS) as it orbits the Earth in real-time using Gatsby Functions and then display it on a 3D interactive globe using React Three Fibre.
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Do you have to process data manually because it is served through images or scanned documents? An image-to-text conversion makes it possible to extract text from images to automate the processing of texts on images, videos, and scanned documents. In this article, we look at how to convert an image to text with React and Tesseract.js(OCR), preprocess images, and deal with the limitations of Tesseract (OCR).
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Next.js has a file-based routing system in which each page automatically becomes a route based on its file name. Each page is a default exported React component from the pages directory that can be used to define the most common route patterns. This article will guide you through almost everything you need to know about Routing in Next.js and point you in the direction of related topics and concepts.
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