Writing code documentation can be overwhelming when there’s no smooth process in place. Streamlining best practices and setting automation in your favor works a long way toward getting permanently up-to-date content that reflects the important pieces of your codebase.
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Largest Contentful Paint (or LCP) is a major web performance KPI which is still a new concept for many web developers since it became a ranking factor just recently. In this article, Eloïse Martin provides an overview of the best practices for the integration and optimization of an LCP image.
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Useful front-end tools for CSS and JavaScript developers that were most popular last year and will help you speed up your development workflow. Let’s dive in!
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In this article, Ruslan Yevych will show you an easy way how to predict the appearance of a problem known as WCAG Failure Under 1.4.4 Resize Text (AA) while zooming the page. You will have a clear understanding of the possible risks of using responsive typography at the stage of development.
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No more random scripts in Python and JavaScript to transform CSV or JSON data. In this article, Alvin Bryan shows you how to use Miller, a small and powerful CLI tool, to do all your data processing.
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Today, we’ll take a look at the Sass function that does all the work for you — with no media queries, no breakpoints, and no design jumps. In this article, Fabienne Bielmann explains what FabUnit stands for and why she decided to create her very own responsive magic formula.
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This article is aimed at both beginners and intermediates who use or just started using Node.js for server side development. At the end of this article, you’ll be able to understand the Test-Driven Development process and use it for your own projects.
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If building a GraphQL API backed by a native graph database sounds interesting or at all helpful for the problems you’re trying to solve as a developer, perhaps you’d like to give the open-source Neo4j GraphQL Library a try. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why!
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In this article, Sacha Greif tries to anticipate future CSS trends and takes a look at some far-fetched and futuristic CSS features that might one day make their way to the browser.
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In this article, Nick Schäferhoff will take a deep dive into WordPress Full-Site Editing, examine the tools it provides for theme development, and provide a tutorial on how to use it to make changes to your site.
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