Last year, Rachel Andrew wrote “Take A New Look At CSS Shapes” where she reintroduced readers to the basics of using CSS Shapes. In this new tutorial, Andy Clarke expands on the topic of “Art Direction for the Web” with CSS Shapes to create exciting and inspired new design ideas. Andy is going to show you how to use CSS Shapes to create the following five different types of layout: v-shapes, z-patterns, curved shapes, diagonal shapes, and rotated shapes.
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We talk a lot about Flexbox and CSS Grid Layout, but these layout methods are essentially values of the CSS display property, a workhorse of a property that doesn’t get a lot of attention. Rachel Andrew takes a better look in a short series. Rachel is going to take a look at the way that the values of display are defined in the Level 3 specification. This is a change to how we defined display in earlier versions of CSS. While it may seem unusual at first, we think these changes really help to explain what is going on when we change the value of display on an element.
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The z-index property, despite all that’s written about it, is still widely misunderstood and mishandled. Stacking issues in a complex single-page web application can become a major pain. Adhering to some principles, however, we can easily avoid these issues. In this article, Pavel Pomerantsev will recap what z-index actually is and how you can stop guessing whether it might work in any specific case and start treating it just like any other convenient tool.
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There are a few ways to align elements in CSS. In this article, Rachel Andrew explains what they are with some tips to help you remember which to use and why. She will take a look at the different alignment methods. Instead of providing a comprehensive guide to each, Rachel explain a few of the sticking points people have and point to more complete references for the properties and values. You can go a long way by understanding the fundamental things about how the methods behave, and then need a place to go look up the finer details in terms of how you achieve the precise layout that you want.
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Art direction has been part of advertising and print design for over 100 years, but on the web art direction is rare and there have been few meaningful conversations about it. Art Direction for the Web by Andy Clarke changes that and explains art direction, what it means, why it matters, and who can do it. Jump to table of contents or pre-order the book right away. This is a book about why art direction matters and how you can art-direct compelling and effective experiences across devices and platforms.
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There are a good number of benefits in being able to write SVG by hand, such as optimizing SVGs in ways a tool can’t (turning a path into a simpler path or shape), or by simply understanding how libraries like D3 or Greensock work. In this article, Bryan Rasmussen will show you how to turn SVG circles into paths which you can use in animation and text paths, as well as how to turn paths into circles. Once you’ve figured out how it all works, you’ll be able to achieve some quite practical effects. Let’s dig in.
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The CSS Working Group have designed an aspect ratio unit for CSS. While this isn’t in browsers yet, in this article Rachel Andrew takes a look at the process of designing a new sizing method and explains how it will work. This is a new resolution, so we have no browser implementations yet, but Rachel thought it would be worth writing up the proposal in case anyone in the wider web community could see a showstopping issue with it. It also gives something of an insight into the work of the CSSWG and how issues like this are discussed, and new features designed.
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When inspecting most other grids in DevTools, you’ll notice that column widths are dependent on their parent element. Container units are a specialized set of CSS variables. They mirror the layout functionality found in UI design software where configuring just three values provides your document with a global set of columns and gutters to measure and calculate from. In this article, Russell Bishop will help you understand how to overcome these limitations using CSS variables and how you can start building with container units.
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Rachel Andrew has been digging around in the CSS Fragmentation spec, and finding browser support is somewhat fragmented. In this article, she explains what fragmentation is, why you might want to use it, and what the state of browser support is. She’ll also show you the current state of browser support and some of the things you can do to get it working as well as it can in your multicol and print projects.
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In this tutorial, Ahmed Bouchefra will use the latest versions of Bootstrap 4 and Angular 7 to build an Angular application and style the interface with Bootstrap. Let’s see how we can integrate Bootstrap CSS styles and JavaScript files with an Angular project generated using the Angular CLI, and how to use form controls and classes to create beautiful forms and how to style HTML tables using Table styles.
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