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Ask SM: CSS Quick-Question Edition

Progressive Enhancement: What It Is, And How To Use It?

[Ask SM] Transparent Background, Positioning Problem

8 Simple Typography Tips For Your Designs

[Ask SM: CSS] Equal Spacing, CSS Font Replacement

This is our fourth installment of Ask SM, featuring reader questions about Web design, focusing on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this post we’ll cover how you can distribute the horizontal space between elements evenly, how you can achieve maximum sides on images; you’ll also learn best practices for CSS font replacement and answers to a couple of quickfire questions.

Two rows of boxes with equal spacing between them.

Antoine Nicolas writes: *Do you know how to perfectly and dynamically distribute objects horizontally in a container using CSS?* This is a classic example of something that is fairly difficult to do in CSS but probably shouldn’t be. I have approached this problem in a number of different ways in the past. I have revisited it a little now, and I’ll present what I believe is the best solution here.

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