In this article, Ariel Salminen is pleased to introduce Responsive Nav, a free and open-source JavaScript plugin. A solution that doesn’t require a big library and is released under the MIT License, so you can use it in all of your projects for free and without any restrictions. The solution is not one size fits all, nor is it meant to be. But for those who are looking for a solution that does one thing well, it’s definitely a good choice.
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In the first part of this series, we discussed Backbone.Marionette’s Application. This time around, we’ll discuss the module system that is included in Backbone.Marionette. Modules are accessible through the Application, but modules are a very large topic and deserve an article dedicated to them.
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One of Bootstrap’s appeals is that it just works. It’s a significant time-saver when starting a website, so much so that major organizations such as NBC, NASA and the White House are adopting it. And it empowers even the non-designers among us to turn out something decent. But what if your company logo is a different shade of blue? Not to worry. You don’t have to stick with the defaults. In this article, Thomas Park shows some ways to customize Bootstrap to fit your needs, whether it’s a tweak to a button or a full-fledged theme.
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Everyone likes stuff that moves about on the Web, right? Remember how you cried joyful tears when you first used <marquee>? I do. I nearly sobbed all the water out of my body as I gazed upon “JAKE’S COOL WEBSITE” bobbing back and forth in uppercase serif. Of course, we’re more mature as an industry these days.
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In this article, Maxim Shirshin will introduce us to the history of the BEM methodology. BEM is a collection of ideas and methods. Companies and teams can integrate it into their existing workflow gradually, finding out what works best for them, using a unified language that consists of powerful terms: blocks, elements, modifiers. Learn about the challenges that a big company faces when gradually building an entire ecosystem of services with an ever-growing team of developers.
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Backbone.js is quickly becoming the most popular framework for building modular client-side JavaScript applications. To help you tap the full potential of Marionette, Joseph Zimmerman prepared an entire eBook full of useful hands-on examples!
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JavaScript has been called everything from great to awful to the assembly language of the Web, but we all use it. Love JavaScript or hate it: everyone admits there are serious flaws and not many other choices.
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Although templates can be used to output any kind of text, in this article we provide examples using HTML, since that is what we want in client-side development. Let’s take a fresh look at client-side templating!
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Even though we keep JavaScript, CSS and HTML in different files, the concepts behind progressive enhancement are getting all knotted up with every jQuery plugin we use and with every weird technique that crops up. In this post, Tim Wright offers a little perspective as to where we are and how we can realign our goals.
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There are many common pitfalls when it comes to writing memory-efficient and fast code. In this article we’re going to explore some test-proven approaches for writing code that performs better.
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