There are way too many options in Web Animations API to pick them up that easily. There’s no middle ground between simple transitions and complex animations. You’re either fine with what CSS Transitions and Animations provide or you suddenly need all the power you can get. Learning how timing works and how to control the playback of several animations at once makes for a solid foundation on which to base your projects on.
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When paired with ISR and Next.js’ API routes, SWR can be used to create a responsive user experience. In this article, Sam Poder explains what SWR is, where to use it (and where not), and how to build a website by using Incremental Static Regeneration. This approach ensures that users still have a good experience, that the site is fast and that the data is kept up to date.
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There are plenty of interactive ways to learn new web development skills. We learn better by playing games. So we’ve collected interactive coding tools and games to help you learn CSS, JavaScript, SQL, React, Vim, regular expressions, Jamstack and pretty much everything in-between. Louis shares a comprehensive, categorized list of such tools covering a variety of different development technologies.
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What exactly is a displacement filter? In this article, Dirk Weber will be diving into one of the most spectacular filter effects: the SVG feDisplacementMap filter primitive. In order to make it all easier to digest, Dirk has divided the article into three parts in which you’ll be exploring how the feDisplacementMap works, methods to create fancy displacement maps in SVG, and methods to animate the filter and create dramatic visual effects.
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By combining some React APIs, we can accurately manage “simple” states. With Next.js though, we can quickly find situations where we need to accommodate many other requirements. This article is intended to be used as a primer for managing complex states in a Next.js app. These strategies should fit the vast majority of apps around with little to no adjustments. Let’s have a look at some patterns to accomplish all that.
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In this article, we will code a Gantt chart as a reusable Web component. We will focus on the architecture of the component, rendering the calendar with CSS Grid and managing the state of the draggable tasks with JavaScript Proxy Objects.
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Often you need two different sets of navigation stacks for pre and post user authentication. Usually, to see more content, you have to be authenticated in some way. In many Apps, authentication is one of the most important parts because it confirms that the person trying to gain access to protected content has the right to access the information. Learning how to do it right is an important step in building a great, intuitive, and easy to use/navigate the application. Let’s look at how to mount and unmount navigation stack based on a met condition in React Native.
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Embedding code examples with third-party scripts often leads to tracking or cookies. We always wanted to have a simple website with a good UX, so setting cookies for no reason wasn’t an option for us. Now, with Indiepen, we are proud to introduce a privacy-friendly alternative.
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Embracing the fragility of the web empowers us to build UIs capable of adapting to the functionality they can offer, whilst still providing value to users. The User Experience (UX) doesn’t need to be all or nothing — just what is usable. This premise, known as graceful degradation allows a system to continue working when parts of it are dysfunctional — much like an electric bike becomes a regular bike when its battery dies. This article explores how graceful degradation, defensive coding, observability, and a healthy attitude towards failures better equips us before, during, and after an error occurs.
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Dialogs are everywhere in modern interface design (for good or for bad), and yet many of them are not accessible to assistive technologies. In this post, Kitty Giraudel is going to write a small JavaScript library for authoring accessible dialogs from the very beginning. The goal is to understand what goes into it. She’s not going to deal with styling too much, just the JavaScript part.
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