There’s no shortage of articles about the mental health of developers, ranging from personal accounts of harrowing work experiences to round-ups of advice on how to preserve healthy work habits. But what working situations trigger things like stress, anxiety, burnout, and depression? Victor Ayomipo shares his personal triggers and how he manages them.
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Maintaining optimal mental health is critical for programmers because most of our work is more mentally demanding than it is physically. However, building and maintaining a reliable and rewarding strategy to maintain a healthy balance in our work demands can be a challenge. In this article, we’ll look at why taking care of our work-life balance is important, how to develop a simple and effective mental health routine, and the most common and efficient techniques you can use to make your custom routine.
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With so much pressure to be our best selves and use every waking moment to develop skills, it’s easy to lose track of our own wellbeing. Self-improvement and commitment to your craft are great — but only if you find the right balance.
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Designing apps for mental health is one area where UX designers can have a huge impact. You might assume that there are already dozens of wonderful digital therapies available for people struggling with mental health disorders. Bu most apps are useless at best, and harmful at worst, due primarily to a disconnect between the designers building the apps and the patients and providers in the field of mental health. In this article, Marli Mesibov will look at the issues with current apps, and guidelines to ensure UX practitioners are using clinically proven methods for improving mental health treatment.
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How do designers design a website? Do they just mess around in Photoshop or Sketch for a while until a pretty design appears? You don’t have to be blessed by the design gods with special talent. So, how should you, a developer, learn design? This article is for design beginners. So, throughout the piece, Mason Gentry will use simplified definitions of user experience (UX) and visual design.
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Many of us struggle silently with mental health problems and many more are affected by them, either directly or indirectly. It’s {Geek} Mental Help Week and we would like to help raise awareness with a couple of articles exploring these issues and offering solutions. In this article, Scott McGregor will help you become more informed about the impact that noise has on your life. He’ll discuss the good and bad sides of noise and sound, so that you can use both to benefit your personal well-being.
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Many of us struggle silently with mental health problems and many more are affected by them, either directly or indirectly. It’s {Geek} Mental Help Week and we would like to help raise awareness with a couple of articles exploring these issues. We’ve all experienced that burnout moment. It’s that moment when we’ve got nothing left to give but keep trying anyway, when we’re left without much more than a shell to live in and motions to go through.
In such moments all we want is for our work to feel like our work and not like torture.
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What does knowledge of the brain and personality have to do with creative work? As a lifelong brain geek, Ann Holm has taken on the mission to help others tap the secrets of the brain to uncover personal potential. Oftentimes we have habits that seem to work, so we are unaware that there might be better, more brain-efficient ways to do things. Other times, we feel exhausted and stretched, so our creativity suffers. In this article, she’ll share some facts and insight on brain functionality, as well as tips on how to get the most out of your creative energy. Some of these suggestions might be very different from what you are doing right now.
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Mental health is just an illness, like any other. When we talk about mental health, we do so in hushed terms. it shouldn’t be a stigma. If more of us address it, openly, we’ll be able to address some of the problems we face collectively. Mental health is an issue. It affects our industry, in particular and confronting it head on is important. We need to talk about mental health more openly, and Christopher Murphy is happy to be one of a growing number of people in the industry who are helping to bring this subject out into the open, where it should be.
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Didn’t fresh ideas arrive without being asked for? Why did I have to wait until the last moment to even notice, wait until moments before these old dented ideas have to be presented? Now it’s none of these things. Now it’s different. Now it’s quiet with muted color. Now it’s something I just do. No, it’s worse. Now it’s a job. It’s not my work, it’s my job. It’s a job, and the ideas don’t arrive like they used to. I keep designing what I know.
Many of us struggle silently with mental health problems and many more are affected by them, either directly or indirectly. It’s {Geek} Mental Help Week and we would like to help raise awareness with a couple of articles exploring these issues.
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