Responsive design for images is about optimizing the process of serving images to users. In this article, Anders Andersen & Tobias Järlund will share their responsive image technique, the “padding-bottom” technique, which they researched and implemented on the mobile version of the Swedish news website Aftonbladet (Sweden’s largest website). The technique presented here applies to all types of responsive websites.
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Navigation Timing API provides easy access to accurate page timing information, but it is still insufficient to draw a complete picture. Whether we need to support browsers that do not currently implement the Navigation Timing or get information about resources not included in the current page, be sure to find out more about the user’s network bandwidth or whether their support for IPv6 is better or worse than their support for IPv4. All of the techniques presented here were developed while writing Boomerang though not all of them made it into the code yet.
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The proliferation of mobile devices, increased user expectations, and the very real risks of losing customers and dropping in search result rankings have laid a heavy burden on developers to optimize loading time at all costs. The Web development community previously didn’t spend much time concerning itself with load issues and for that reason and more, Web developers aren’t conditioned to think very hard about the unique load requirements of their clients’ websites. We need to include a specification for load requirements as a regular checklist item when bidding and planning Web work.
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In this article, we’ll demonstrate methods to identify how people interact with a website differently on mobile devices, and the design decisions that can be made based on this understanding. Our objective is not only to improve Web performance but to increase the client’s return on investment. The following techniques center on the two unique characteristics of mobile phones: small batteries and small screens.
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In this article, Addy Osmani will discuss how to improve the paint performance of your websites and Web apps. Luckily, a lot of great tools out there can help with that. Be sure to measure paint performance on both desktop and mobile, and if all goes well, your users will end up with snappier, more silky-smooth experiences, regardless of the device they’re using.
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A responsive website is not automatically a mobile-friendly website. Modern Web development should be about finding the right balance between server-side and client-side implementation. Today, Jon Arne Sæterås will use a real-life project that his company is working on, with real requirements and pain points, as a reference.
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80% of people are disappointed with the experience of browsing Web on mobile devices. To meet the high expectations of mobile users, you need a mobile-optimized website. Here, Johan Johansson shows you some techniques that will improve your way into building a snappy mobile Web experience.
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In this article, Jordan Moore is going to discuss a few of the lesser practiced elements that are quietly becoming part of the responsive Web design ecosystem under the umbrella of responsible Web design, a design that has been evolving rapidly ever since Ethan Marcotte coined the term two years ago. Since then, techniques have emerged, become best practices and formed part of our ever-changing methodology.
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Howdy folks! Welcome to another round of Smashing Magazine CSS Q&A — the final one, as of now. One more time, we’ll answer the best questions which you sent us about CSS.
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From time to time, when a discussion is taking place about ways to implement responsive images, someone comes along and says, “Hey, guys! What we really need is a media query that enables us to send high-resolution images to people on a fast connection and low-resolution images to people on a slow connection.” At least early on, a lot of people agreed.
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