In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers. This time Iris Lješnjanin brings you CSS Generators: from CSS shadows to easing gradients to CSS overlays to CSS doodles.
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Ideally, a CSS auditing tool would provide some insights about how heavily CSS implact rendering performance, and which operations lead to expensive layout recalculations. It could also highlight what properties don’t affect the rendering at all (like Firefox DevTools does it), and perhaps even suggest how to write slightly more efficient CSS selectors. In a new short series of posts, we highlight some of the useful tools and techniques for developers and designers to get their work done better and faster. Starting out with a few tools for getting to the bottom of CSS.
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Meet our new workshops on front-end and UX — on web performance, interface design, psychology and modern CSS. With Lea Verou, Harry Roberts, Stephanie Eckles, Dan Mall and so many others. Jump to all online workshops ↬Read more…
With so many great tools available, there really shouldn’t be any excuse for not testing with users these days. It is fast, easy and cheap. But we don’t even need to limit ourselves to testing. These tools also make user research and visualization easier than ever before, making them ideal all the way from discovery through prototype to post-launch optimization. Our lives as UI designers have never been easier with a host of amazing tools at our disposal. In this article, Paul Boag wants to explore some of the hidden gems he uses to test the interfaces he is involved in creating.
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In this article, we’ll look at how to create an outside focus and click handler with React. You’ll learn how to recreate an open-source React component (react-foco) from scratch in doing so. To get the most out of this article, you’ll need a basic understanding of JavaScript classes, DOM event delegation and React. By the end of the article, you’ll know how you can use JavaScript class instance properties and event delegation to create a React component that helps you detect a click or focus outside of any React component.
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An introduction to building a Discord bot using the Discord.js module. The bot will share random jokes, assign or revoke user roles, and post tweets of a specific account to a Discord channel. In this article, Subha Chanda will showu you how to build a bot from scratch using JavaScript and with help from Discord.js. He’ll cover the process from building the bot up to deploying it to the cloud.
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In this article, we take a look at the topic of context and variables in Hugo, a popular static site generator. You’ll understand concepts such as the global context, flow control, and variables in Hugo templates, as well as data flow from content files through templates to partials and base templates.
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DevTools is very advanced and helpful, but can also be very intimidating and overwhelming. Let’s fix that. In this article, Vitaly reviews useful features and shortcuts for debugging in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari.
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Adding video to your application can increase customer engagement and satisfaction. But the exact opposite can occur when there are issues with the video playback: video stalls are frustrating and drive customers away. In this article, Doug Sillars will walk you through the steps to optimize the video on your website to ensure fast playback and reduce stalls.
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A couple of weeks ago, we organized a Form Design Masterclass, an online workshop with Adam Silver alongside 81 friendly and smart people. Today, Adam Silver shares his experience and details by highlighting what you as an attendee can expect from a Smashing Workshop, and things to keep in mind when running one.
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