There isn’t a ton of mystery when it comes to what makes for an attractive and modern-looking design these days. What’s not always clear, however, is the usability aspect of it. In other words, have the pathways you’ve designed for users intuitive enough? The truth is, it’s all really just a guessing game unless you start getting user feedback early on. Thankfully, Indigo.Design has a usability testing solution to help us out.
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It’s that time of the month! Join us as we share the latest news and highlight the things we’ve been working on and have also enjoyed reading over the past month.
We are fortunate to have robust patterns to choose from when optimizing accessibility in SVGs — but most people stop there, focusing on code compliance and not actual users and their needs. If true inclusiveness lies beyond patterns — what other factors should we consider when designing and developing accessible SVGs?
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Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. The typical method of implementing this is via keyboard event capturing but there’s no uniform support from mobile browsers. In this article, Sandamal Siripathi explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.
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Prototyping helps to formulate the main trajectory of the design by framing your mind around a continuous pursuit of better concepts. Any team that makes a prototyping integral part of their design is motivated to search for a better solution. Today, Tony Kim will introduce you to ProtoPie, a tool that will help you prototype in the best way possible to validate an idea and bring it to life.
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Whether you’re building a new site or you’re managing a live one, you can’t afford to make any changes without a process for cross-browser testing and a tool to do the heavy lifting for you. LambdaTest’s wide array of tests are the answer. From fully automated cross-browser tests to semi-automated tasks, we’re going to explore a much more efficient way to review your websites and all their browser iterations for errors.
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It’s nice to have an overview of the most important things in one place, but do feel free to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and subscribe to our RSS feed. We like helping you stay on top of things and making life just a little bit easier! Fear not, we’ve got your backs! Our bi-weekly Smashing Podcast has you covered with a variety of topics across multiple levels of expertise.
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With so much going on, we’ve made it our mission to help you stay on top of things. Of course, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and subscribe to our RSS feed, but it’s nice to have an overview of the most important things in one place. With this guide, Iris Lješnjanin covers pretty much everything from performance budgets to single-page apps to networking optimizations.
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In case you missed it, we launched the Smashing Podcast just a few weeks ago — a bi-weekly podcast that is moderated by our dear friend and colleague, Drew McLellan. And so it’s time for another monthly update! Join us as we share the latest news and highlight the things we have enjoyed reading over the past month.
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Development workflows can easily get out of hand and start causing confusion and friction within teams — especially as they get bigger in size. There have been too many times when our code review was just about noticing that missing comma or the failing tests that never run before pushing to a remote repository. Thankfully, there are tools that can take this friction away, make developers’ workflows more straightforward and help us concentrate on the things that actually matter the most. Thanks to git and the hooks it provides, we have a great variety of automation with which we can set our development workflow and make our lives easier.
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