This article is the fourth in our new series that introduces the latest, useful and freely available tools and techniques, developed and released by active members of the Web design community.
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I hear a lot of people talking about the importance of sketching when designing or problem solving, yet it seems very few people actually sketch. As a UX professional, I sketch every day. I often take over entire walls in our office and cover them with sketches, mapping out everything from context scenarios to wire frames and presentations.
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Many of us rely on open source tools, technologies and standards to help improve the work we do on a daily basis. None of this would however be possible without the hard work, commitment and dedication that others, just like you, have invested in giving back to the Web community over the past two decades.
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As productivity is a crucial asset of professional Web designers and developers, we bring you a selection of the most useful coding and workflow tools released recently.
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A solution for when prefixes cause maintenance troubles, bloat CSS files, and make it harder to tweak values. In this article, Lea Verou presents her recent tool: prefixfree.
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Addy Osmani explores several time-saving design patterns and best practices that can be employed to improve your plugin development process. (Note: this post is targeted at intermediate to advanced developers.)
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Created by Joe Leech and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers, this sheet contains an Omnigraffle template, as well as Photoshop (PSD) and PDF examples for you to download and use as you wish.
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A hand-picked selection of the most useful and popular Smashing Magazine’s articles featuring various building blocks of a website and published here over all the years.
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Regardless of the tool you choose, testing early and often during the Web development process can save you from a lot of headaches later. Find a tool that fits your workflow with a little help from Cameron Chapman.
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